Senstar Sensor Fusion settings


Setting Description

Analysis Resolution

Select the resolution that the Senstar Sensor Fusion uses to analyze video frames.

Analysis FPS

Select the number of frames per second that Senstar Sensor Fusion uses to analyze video.

Automatically Select Resolution Based on Calibration

Select to automatically set the analysis resolution based on the settings in the Calibration section.

Simple Mode

Select whether to hide or display the advanced settings.

Warning: Changing the advanced settings can adversely affect the performance of the video analytic.

Processing Mask

Setting Description

Drawing Mode

Select whether the paintbrush marks areas in the processing mask image to include (Analyze) or exclude (Ignore).


Select the size of the paintbrush that you use to draw on the processing mask image.


Setting Description


Select the type of calibration. Manual allows you to set the camera position. Automatic allows the video analytic to set the camera position and field of view. Uncalibrated runs the video analytic without camera position and field of view information.

Zoom In

Click to make the calibration diagram larger.

Zoom Out

Click to make the calibration diagram smaller.

Field of view (degrees)

Define the horizontal field of view (in degrees) for the camera.

Pan (degrees)

Define the rotation around the vertical axis of the camera in relation to the scene.

Twist (degrees)

Define the rotation around the horizontal axis of the camera in relation to the scene.

Height (meters)

Define the vertical distance from the camera to the ground.

Distance (meters)

Define the horizontal distance from the camera to the center of the scene.


Setting Description

Object Contrast

Use the slider to set how sensitive the Senstar Sensor Fusion is to differences between objects and the background.

Object Motion

Use the slider to set how sensitive the Senstar Sensor Fusion is to foreground motion when detecting objects.

Background Motion

Use the slider to set how sensitive the Senstar Sensor Fusion is to background motion when detecting objects.

Shadow Suppression (Simple)

Select to use simple shadow suppression. Simple shadow suppression is effective where there are light shadows in the scene.
CAUTION: Do not use shadow suppression with thermal cameras.

Shadow Suppression (Complex)

Select to use complex shadow suppression. Complex shadow suppression is effective where there are dark shadows in the scene.
CAUTION: Do not use shadow suppression with thermal cameras.

Snow Suppression

Select to have the video analytic ignore the motion of snow in the scene.

Dynamic Background

Select to have the video analytic ignore periodic movement in the background of the scene. This setting is effective for outdoor scenes where weather can cause motion in the background.

Thermal Camera

Select if the camera is a thermal camera.

Detect Distant Objects

Select to have the video analytic attempt to detect objects in the distance.

Sensor Segments

Setting Description

Show measures

Select to show the distance (meters) between reference points on the image.

Segment name

Type a name for the sensor segment.

Select a Device

Select the perimeter intrusion detection system that provides the data to the Senstar Sensor Fusion.

Select a Zone

Select the zone from the perimeter intrusion detection system that you want to configure the .

Range Start

Set the distance where the camera starts monitoring the fence. This value corresponds to the distance from the perimeter intrusion detection system.

Range End

Set the distance where the camera stops monitoring the fence. This value corresponds to the distance from the perimeter intrusion detection system.

Reference Points

Set how many reference points are on the sensor segment. The reference points need to map to equidistant fence posts or markers placed manually near the fence. The Senstar Sensor Fusion video analytic uses the reference points to generate accurate alarms.


Set the scale to adjust the distance between the reference points.

Confidence Level

Set how confident the video analytic must be to raise an alarm. The range for this setting is 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest level of confidence and 10 is the highest level of confidence. A setting of 1 will generate more alarms and a setting of 10 will generate fewer alarms.

Buffer Zone Distance (m)

Set the distance (meters) from the sensor segment where the video analytic starts analyzing the scene.

For example, if you set the buffer zone to 5 meters, the video analytic analyses any object that comes within 5 meters of the sensor segment.

Import / Export

Setting Description

Import XML

Click this button to import a configuration XML file.

Export XML

Click this button to export the configuration XML file.