
The Senstar Symphony Server can generate alarms from rules. Rules include events, action sets, and schedules.

You create rules in the Senstar Symphony Server configuration interface. When you create a rule, you either associate existing events, action sets, and a schedule with the rule, or you create new events, action sets, and a schedule for the rule.

An event triggers a rule. Examples include events from video analytics, camera inputs, and access devices.

An action set defines the actions that the Senstar Symphony Server takes when an event triggers a rule. Examples include displaying or recording footage from a camera, sending an email, and switching a relay. You can select how the Senstar Symphony Server performs all of the actions for multiple alarms of the same type by using the multiple invocation behavior settings: append actions sets performs all of the actions for each alarm and replace queued actions performs all the actions for only the latest alarm.

A schedule defines when a rule is active. An event must occur during an active time in the schedule to trigger a rule.

When a rule is enabled, the occurrence of an event associated with the rule during an active period in the rule's schedule causes the Senstar Symphony Server to perform the actions defined in the rule's action set.