Add a rule to a map

You can add a label to a map.

In addition to defining the text and formatting of the label, you can also add a hyperlink to the label.

  1. In the Senstar Symphony Client interface, click View > Map Editor.
  2. Select a map.
  3. Click the Map Labels tab.
  4. To create a new label, perform the following tasks in the Map Label pane:
    1. In the Name field, type the name that the Map Editor displays in the list of labels.
    2. In the Text field, type the text that you want to appear on the map.
    3. In the Font Name field, select the typeface to use for the label.
    4. In the Font Size field, select the size of the text on the map.
    5. In the Foreground field, select the color of the text on the map.
    6. In the Background field, select the color and opacity of the banner behind the text.
    7. In the Width field, set the width of the banner behind the text.
    8. In the Height field, set the height of the banner behind the text.
    9. In the URL field, type the hyperlink.
    10. Click Save.
    After you save a new label, the label appears in the label list.
  5. Click and drag a label from the label list to the location on the map.
  6. Click OK.
To remove a label from a map, right-click the label, click Remove from Map, and click OK.