Left and Removed Item Detection settings


Setting Description

Analysis Resolution

Set the resolution for the camera on which the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic is active.

Automatically Select Resolution Based on Calibration

Select to automatically set the analysis resolution based on the settings in the Calibration section.

Analysis FPS

Set the frames per second for the camera on which the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic is active.

Simple Mode

Select whether to hide or display the advanced settings. Simple mode is the default mode. Advanced mode is intended for system integrators and technical support staff.

Processing Mask

Setting Description

Drawing Mode

Select whether the paintbrush marks areas in the processing mask image to include (Analyze) or exclude (Ignore).


Select the size of the paintbrush that you use in the processing mask image.


Setting Description

Zoom In

Click to make the calibration diagram larger.

Zoom Out

Click to make the calibration smaller.

Field of view (degrees)

Define the horizontal field of view (in degrees) for the camera.

Pan (degrees)

Define the rotation around the vertical axis of the camera in relation to the scene.

Twist (degrees)

Define the rotation around the horizontal axis of the camera in relation to the scene.

Height (meters)

Define the vertical distance from the camera to the ground.

Distance (meters)

Define the horizontal distance from the camera to the center of the scene.


The advanced settings are visible when the simple mode is off.

Warning: Changing the advanced settings can adversely affect the performance of the video analytic.
Setting Description

Left item duration

Set the time (seconds) that an object must be present or missing before the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic considers it left or removed.

The default setting is 15 seconds.

Check for object drop-off

Select whether the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic ignores items that a person picks up or drops off.

The default setting is selected.

Initial background model learn time

Set the time (seconds) that the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic takes to learn the background of the scene. During this time, the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic does not attempt to detect any objects.

The default setting is 1 second.

Reach width

Set the distance (pixels) for a person in a retail store to reach the item.

The default setting is 9 pixels.

Object merge distance

Set the distance (pixels) at which the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic merges two object into one object.

The default setting is 20 pixels.

Reduce false alarms from still people

Select whether the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic waits to detect people in the scene as a left or removed item. This setting uses the Time to wait for still people setting.

The default setting is false.

Time to wait for still people

Set how long (seconds) the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic waits to detect people in the scene. This setting is activated by selecting the Reduce false alarms from still people setting.

The default setting is 60 seconds.


Lower bound

Upper bound

Reduce reflection

Select whether the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic tries to ignore reflections.

Reflection reduction threshold

Set the how sensitive to reflections the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic is to reflections.

A lower value causes the video analytic to ignore more reflections. A higher value causes the video analytic to process more reflections.

Camera looking at shelf

Select if the camera is facing a shelf. This setting is active only if you select Check for object drop-off.

Time to clear long-term representation

Set how long (seconds) before the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic clears the background.

Time to clear short-term representation

Set how long (seconds) before the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic clears the cache.

Minimum fill rate

Set the percent of the item's smallest bounding box the item must fill for the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic considers it an item.

The default value is 10.

Time to remove or drop an item

Set how long (seconds) a item must be present before the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic starts processing the item.

Setting a longer time reduces the processing load of the video analytic.

Background reset time after an object is deleted

Set how long (seconds) the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic waits before it deletes an object.

Minimum valid object dimension

Set how large (pixels) an item must be, in both height and width, and how far from the edge of the scene an item must be for the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic to consider the item to be left or removed.

Reset camera if this percentage of image becomes foreground in 1 frame

Set the percentage of the image that must change in a single frame before the camera resets the background. This prevents the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic from considering sudden large changes as items.

Reset camera if this percentage of image becomes foreground in 5 frames

Set the percentage of the image that must change in five frames before the camera resets the background. This prevents the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic from considering gradual large changes as items.

Merge small objects closer than

Set the distance (pixels) between two items at which the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic merges the two items into a single item.

The default value is 8.

Grayscale background update rate

Set the rate at which the Left and Removed Item Detection video analytic updates the background image. Setting a lower value catches more left and removed items but increases the processing load.

The default value is 5.