Senstar Symphony AI Thermal Object Detection and Tracking settings


Setting Description

Analysis Resolution

Select the resolution that the video analytic uses.
Note: This setting is only available if you do not select Automatically Select Resolution Based on Calibration.

Automatically Select Resolution Based on Calibration

Select to let the Senstar Symphony Server select the analysis resolution.

Use GPU instead of CPU

Select to use a supported GPU for analysis.

This setting requires an NVIDIA GPU that supports CUDA 11.0 or later.

Analysis FPS

Select the frame rate that the video analytic uses.

Simple Mode

Select whether to hide or display the advanced settings.

Warning: Changing the advanced settings can adversely affect the performance of the video analytic.

Processing mask

Setting Description

Drawing Mode

Select whether the paintbrush marks areas in the processing mask image to include (Analyze) or exclude (Ignore).


Select the size of the paintbrush that you use to draw on the processing mask image.

Counting line

Setting Description


On the image, click and hold the left mouse button, move the mouse to draw the new counting line, and release the left mouse button.


Click a counting line to select it and press Delete.


Hold the CTRL key, click and hold the left mouse button on the counting line endpoint, and drag the endpoint to the

Add a connected counting line

Click and hold the left mouse button on the endpoint of an existing counting line, move the mouse to draw the new counting line, and release the left mouse button.

Change the counting direction

Click an arrow on the counting line to toggle counting for that direction on and off.


Setting Description


Select the type of calibration. Manual allows you to set the camera position. Automatic allows the video analytic to set the camera position and field of view. Uncalibrated runs the video analytic without camera position and field of view information.

Zoom In

Click to make the calibration diagram larger.

Zoom Out

Click to make the calibration smaller.

Field of view (degrees)

Define the horizontal field of view (in degrees) for the camera.

Pan (degrees)

Define the rotation around the vertical axis of the camera in relation to the scene.

Twist (degrees)

Define the rotation around the horizontal axis of the camera in relation to the scene.

Height (meters)

Define the vertical distance from the camera to the ground.

Distance (meters)

Define the horizontal distance from the camera to the center of the scene.


Setting Description

Maximum Hidden Seconds

Set how many seconds an object can remain hidden before the video analytic stops tracking the object. If, after this time elapses, the video analytic detects the object again, the video analytic treats the object as a new object (i.e., the video analytic gives the object a new ID).

Minimum Confidence

Set how confident the video analytic must be in object detection to classify the object.

Minimum Tracking Threshold

Set how confident the video analytic must be in object detection to track the object.