Connect to a server

You can connect a Senstar Symphony Client to multiple Senstar Symphony Server instances.

  1. In the Senstar Symphony Client interface, click Server Configuration > New Symphony Server Registration.
  2. In the Address field, perform one of the following tasks:
    • Select the Senstar Symphony Server from the list of discovered servers.
    • Type the IP address of the Senstar Symphony Server.
    • Type the DNS name of the Senstar Symphony Server.
  3. In the Name field, type a meaningful name for the Senstar Symphony Server.
    This name will appear in the Server List in the Senstar Symphony Client interface.
  4. To log in to the Senstar Symphony Server, perform one of the following tasks:
    • To use your Windows account to authenticate with the Senstar Symphony Server, select the Windows Authentication check box.
    • Type your username and password.
  5. Click OK.