Senstar Network Manager introduction

The Senstar Network Manager connects Senstar security networks to the Senstar Symphony Server. The Senstar Symphony Server supports the Senstar Network Manager 2.32 and later.

You can integrate the Senstar Network Manager with the Senstar Symphony Server to use events from Senstar Network Manager nodes for alarming and monitoring. You use the Integration tab in the Senstar Symphony Server configuration interface to connect to and configure the Senstar Network Manager.

Devices connected to the Senstar Network Manager appear in the device tree in the Senstar Symphony Client interface. In addition, the device tree displays the state of devices attached to the Senstar Network Manager.

You can connect multiple instances of the Senstar Network Manager to the Senstar Symphony Server.

Automatically generated rules

When you add a Senstar Network Manager integration, the Senstar Symphony Server can automatically generate rules for the sensors and devices connected to the Senstar Network Manager. Generating rules automatically can save time when adding Senstar Network Manager with numerous devices or sensors. By default, the Senstar Symphony Server generates sensor alarms for Trouble, Alarm, and Tamper incidents; and Communication Fail, Communication Fault, Diagnostic Warnings, Diagnostic Fatal, and Enclosure Tamper incidents.

When you automatically generate rules, the Senstar Symphony Server selects to raise alarms on the first camera by camera ID. If you do not have any cameras connected to the Senstar Symphony Server, the Senstar Symphony Server selects to raise alarms on the first map alphabetically. If you do not have cameras and maps connected to the Senstar Symphony Server, the Senstar Symphony Serverselects to raise alarms on all devices.

You can configure automatic rule generation when you add the Senstar Network Manager as an itegration to the Senstar Symphony Server or you can edit the integration afterwards.
CAUTION: If you edit the Senstar Network Manager integration generation settings and the Automatically generate rules checkbox is selected, the Senstar Symphony Server will delete the existing automatically generated rules and generate new rules. To retain your original automatically generated rules, clear the Automatically generate rules checkbox before saving your changes.