Configure video storage for a server
You can configure how the Symphony Server stores and maintains video footage.
You can configure where the Symphony Server stores video footage, how much video footage the Symphony Server stores, and under which conditions the Symphony Server erases video footage. In addition, you can specify backup locations for video footage.
- In the Symphony Server configuration interface, click Settings > Servers.
- Select a server and click Edit.
To specify a storage path, complete the following tasks in the Video Storage section:
- Specify the path to which the Symphony Server should save footage files.
- To add another storage path, click Add Another Path and specify the path.
To save footage files to only one storage path, select Failover.
The Symphony Server attempts to save footage files to the first path in the list. If that path is not available, the Symphony Server attempts to save footage files to the next path in the list.
- To save footage files to all storage paths, select Redundant.
- Select the path from which the Symphony Server should read footage files in the Force disk reads from.
To specify a secondary (archive) storage path, complete the following tasks:
- Select Archive video to secondary storage path.
Type the path to which the Symphony Server should save footage files.
You must type a secondary (archive) storage path for each of the primary storage paths.
In the Days to store before archiving field, set how many days must occur before the Symphony Server saves the footage files to the secondary (archive) storage path.
This value must be less than the Limit the number of days video is stored value.
- To set a limit based on the amount of disk space left, set the disk space in the MB field or the percentage of disk space in the % field.
- To set the maximum number of days for which the Symphony Server can retain footage files, select Limit the number of days video is stored and set the number of days.
- To retain metadata after the Symphony Server deletes footage files, select Keep metadata longer and set the number of days.
To copy footage files generated during a failover back to the restored primary server from the redundant server, select SAN Failover mode: Copy files to owner server.
Both the primary Symphony Server and redundant Symphony Server must have read and write permission for the storage paths on each Symphony Server.
In the Cameras list, define any storage paths specific to cameras.
By default, the Symphony Server saves footage files from all cameras to the storage paths.
- Click Save.