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Time Schedules Setup Guide

The following guide provides a guide to time schedules the Symphony AC software. Use this guide as a quick reference. Please contact Senstar Corporation for questions.

Considerations Prior to Setup Make sure the controller is online, initialized, and configured.  However, the same steps should be utilized regardless of what controller is used.

Symphony AC  Time Schedules Setup 

Please launch Symphony AC to begin.  

I. Time Schedules 

To access the Time Schedules module, click on the “Access” button from the navigation toolbar to bring a popup menu. From the popup menu, select “Time Schedules.”

Time Schedules are made up of intervals that indicate periods of door unlocks or when someone should be given access to a door or group of doors. Time schedules can be assigned to Access Levels, doors, IO devices, and credentials across Symphony AC.  Up to 100 Time Schedules can be defined per Controller Group and each Time Schedule consists of 12 intervals. By default, Time Schedule 1 (Always) and Time Schedule 2 (working hours on Mondays through Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) are created in the system. Senstar suggests that Time Schedule 1 NOT be modified by the user and left as an “Always” schedule to grant complete access.

A. Time Schedules Commands The Time Schedules module has 8 commands. (See Figure 3)

  1. The Unlock/Lock command: This is used to toggle the state of the module between editing and non-editing modes.
  2. The Save command: This saves any changes that were made and downloaded to the controller(s).
  3. The Delete command: This deletes the highlighted item.
  4. The Holidays command: This displays the Holidays table.
  5. The Status command: This displays real-time status of the Time Schedules that are active or inactive in the system.
  6. The Print command: This displays the Time Schedules report(s).
  7. The Download command: This brings up the Download Manager and allows you to download all Time Schedules to selected controller(s).
  8. The Help Command: This links to online documentation on Time Schedules.


 B. Programming a Time Schedule

  1. To program a time schedule, first unlock the module by clicking the “Unlock/Lock” command. An open lock will indicate the module is unlocked. If Controller Groups are being utilized, select the appropriate Controller Group from the list within the drop down menu.
  1. Select the next available Time Schedule from the list.
    • Note: As mentioned above, it is NOT recommended to modify Time Schedule 1 (Always).

  1. To edit a Time Schedule description, click on the ellipse (the box with 3 dots) to the right of the Time Schedule tag. Enter the Time Schedule Name you desire and click on the OK button to save the changes. (See Figure 6)


  1. Select the day(s) of the week for the time interval to be used by checking or unchecking the checkboxes for the respective day(s) of the week.
  2. Set the Start Time and Stop Time by clicking on the corresponding fields and entering the time in military time (i.e. 5:00 p.m. would be 1700). As each time interval is entered, the time period will display itself graphically at the bottom of the Time Schedule page. Repeat the process for each Start Time and End Time interval you wish to add. (See Figure 7)

Note: When using the Axis A100 panel, there is a one-minute delay to the start and stop time. For example, if you enter a time schedule of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (i.e. 0900 to 1700), your door will be unlocked at 9:01 a.m. and will lock at 5:01 p.m.

  1. Click the save Click the Download command and select the Time Schedules and Holidays databases. Select the proper controller to download to and click “Begin Download”.

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Symphony AC Operator Guide
