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Disarming ELK Area from Aero Reader

For the instructions on disarming the ELK Area from a Aero reader, please refer to

  1. Navigate to the ‘TRIGGERS AND MACROS’ module and unlock the module.
  2. From the ‘Controller Group’ drop-down menu, select the Controller Group where the Aero controller is located.
  3. From the ‘Controller’ drop-down menu, select the Aero controller that has the reader that will disarm the ELK area.
  4. In the Triggers pane, right-click on the pane and select ‘Add New Trigger’.
  5. Expand the Trigger to view its properties and enter the following information:
    • Description: Enter a description for this trigger, such as “Front Door- Disarm Area”
    • Events: Select “RO024: Access Granted Door Used >>
    • Address: Select reader that will disarm the ELK area
    • Trigger Code: Select a trigger code.

NOTE: All personnel records have trigger code ‘0’ assigned by default. If you want specific personnel records to disarm the area, select a trigger code not being used on any other trigger and assign this new trigger code to the personnel records that will be allowed to disarm the area.

  • Time Schedule: Select a time schedule of when this trigger will take effect. To disarm the area anytime a card is presented to the selected reader, select the ‘Always’ time schedule.
  • Macro: Come back to this step after finishing step 9 from this guide.
  1. In the Macros pane, right-click on the pane and select “Add New Macro.”
  2. Select & right-click on the newly created Macro and select ‘Edit’. Enter a description for this Macro, such as “Aero-Elk Disarm”.
  3. Expand the Macro to view the command lines.
  4. Click on the first command line and in the Properties pane (located below the Macros pane), enter the following:
    • Command: Select “34: Burglar Alarm System Command
    • Address: Select the ELK controller that has the area that will be disarmed.
    • Secured Area#: Select the “Area” number you want to disarm.
    • Area Command: Select “3- Disarm”.

NOTE: To disarm more than 1 area from this reader, click on the newly created Macro, right-click & select ‘Add Command’ and repeat this step.

  1. In the Triggers pane, navigate to the Macro property and select the newly created macro.
  2. Click the ‘Save’
  3. Click the ‘Download´ button (controller will automatically be selected).
  4. Click the ‘Begin Download’ button to finish.

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Symphony AC Operator Guide
