ELK- DisarmingELKAreafromAeroReader
Disarming ELK Area from Aero Reader
For the instructions on disarming the ELK Area from a Aero reader, please refer to
- Navigate to the ‘TRIGGERS AND MACROS’ module and unlock the module.
- From the ‘Controller Group’ drop-down menu, select the Controller Group where the Aero controller is located.
- From the ‘Controller’ drop-down menu, select the Aero controller that has the reader that will disarm the ELK area.
- In the Triggers pane, right-click on the pane and select ‘Add New Trigger’.
- Expand the Trigger to view its properties and enter the following information:
- Description: Enter a description for this trigger, such as “Front Door- Disarm Area”
- Events: Select “RO024: Access Granted Door Used >>”
- Address: Select reader that will disarm the ELK area
- Trigger Code: Select a trigger code.
NOTE: All personnel records have trigger code ‘0’ assigned by default. If you want specific personnel records to disarm the area, select a trigger code not being used on any other trigger and assign this new trigger code to the personnel records that will be allowed to disarm the area.
- Time Schedule: Select a time schedule of when this trigger will take effect. To disarm the area anytime a card is presented to the selected reader, select the ‘Always’ time schedule.
- Macro: Come back to this step after finishing step 9 from this guide.
- In the Macros pane, right-click on the pane and select “Add New Macro.”
- Select & right-click on the newly created Macro and select ‘Edit’. Enter a description for this Macro, such as “Aero-Elk Disarm”.
- Expand the Macro to view the command lines.
- Click on the first command line and in the Properties pane (located below the Macros pane), enter the following:
- Command: Select “34: Burglar Alarm System Command”
- Address: Select the ELK controller that has the area that will be disarmed.
- Secured Area#: Select the “Area” number you want to disarm.
- Area Command: Select “3- Disarm”.
NOTE: To disarm more than 1 area from this reader, click on the newly created Macro, right-click & select ‘Add Command’ and repeat this step.
- In the Triggers pane, navigate to the Macro property and select the newly created macro.
- Click the ‘Save’
- Click the ‘Download´ button (controller will automatically be selected).
- Click the ‘Begin Download’ button to finish.
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