Face Recognition event settings

Setting Description

Match Threshold

Set how closely the detected face must match a face on the blocked list to trigger an alarm or a face on the allowed list to not trigger an alarm. This setting does not apply if you select Alarm on all faces.

Max Spoof Score

Set the score that a face must exceed for the Face Recognition video analytic to consider the face a spoof.

The default value is 30.

Alarm on all real faces

Select to trigger an alarm when the Face Recognition video analytic detects a face.

Alarm only on real faces not in the list(s)

Select to trigger an alarm when the Face Recognition video analytic detects a face that is not on the lists that you select. The list options include the default lists (Allowed and Blocked) and any custom lists that you create.

Alarm only on real faces in the list(s)

Select to trigger an alarm when the Face Recognition video analytic detects a face that on the lists that you select. The list options include the default lists (Allowed and Blocked) and any custom lists that you create.

Alarm only on spoofing attacks

Select to trigger an alarm only when the Face Recognition video analytic detects a face with a spoof score greater than the max spoof score.