Edit a camera

You can modify camera settings in the Symphony Server configuration interface.

After you add a camera to the Symphony Server (either manually or automatically), you edit the camera to configure the advanced options for the camera.

  1. In the Symphony Server configuration interface, click Devices > Cameras.
  2. Select a camera and click Edit.
  3. To change the name of the camera, type a new name in the Name field.
  4. To change the template applied to the camera, select the template in the Template list.
  5. Type a description for the camera in the Description field.
  6. Type the text that appears as a decoration over the video in the Code field.
  7. To change the RTSP port for an ONVIF camera, type the new port in the RTSP Port field.
  8. To change the server that manages the camera, select the new server in the Managed By list.
  9. To change how the camera responds in the case of a server failure, select or clear the Failover enabled box.
  10. To configure the camera to support direct connections, select Support Direct Connect.
  11. If the camera is connected using a video encoder, select whether the camera is a fixed camera or a PTZ camera.
  12. If the camera is a PTZ camera connected using a video encoder, complete the following tasks:
    1. In the Max Locked Minutes field, set the maximum time that the camera can be locked.
    2. In the Auto-PTZ Priority field, set the priority that a user must exceed to control the PTZ when the Symphony Server attempts to move the PTZ camera for automatic tracking.
    3. In the Force-PTZ Priority field, set the priority that a user must exceed to control the PTZ when the Symphony Server attempts to force the PTZ camera to a location because of a rule.
    4. In the Type list, select the PTZ communication protocol for camera.
    5. In the Camera Address field, select the address of the camera.
      The default camera address is 1.
    6. In the Control Port list, select the communication port that the encoder uses for the camera.
      You configure the communication port on the video encoder when you connect the PTZ camera to the video encoder.
  13. Click Save.