Edit a camera
You can modify camera settings in the Symphony Server configuration interface.
After you add a camera to the Symphony Server (either manually or automatically), you edit the camera to configure the advanced options for the camera.
- In the Symphony Server configuration interface, click .
- Select a camera and click Edit.
- To change the name of the camera, type a new name in the Name field.
- To change the template applied to the camera, select the template in the Template list.
- Type a description for the camera in the Description field.
- Type the text that appears as a decoration over the video in the Code field.
- To change the RTSP port for an ONVIF camera, type the new port in the RTSP Port field.
- To change the server that manages the camera, select the new server in the Managed By list.
- To change how the camera responds in the case of a server failure, select or clear the Failover enabled box.
- To configure the camera to support direct connections, select Support Direct Connect.
- If the camera is connected using a video encoder, select whether the camera is a fixed camera or a PTZ camera.
If the camera is a PTZ camera connected using a video encoder, complete the following tasks:
- Click Save.