The Symphony Server includes functionality to manage devices, security, rules, sites, and settings.
Security settings in Symphony allow you to configure authentication for users, set and change permissions for users and groups quickly, and add watermarks to video.
Users are individuals with permission to use Symphony.
Senstar Symphony is an award-winning, intelligent video surveillance software that offers a single, innovative, and open IP video platform for video management, video analytics, system integration, and alarm management.
You can open the server configuration interface in a browser.
The Symphony Server runs the following services.
Symphony supports cameras, digital input/output devices, and access control devices.
You can add a user to allow someone to use Symphony.
You can copy a user to use it as a template for a new user.
You can add a user to a group at any time to grant the permissions for that group to a user.
Supervisor impersonation allows two users with lesser permissions to log in simultaneously to impersonate a single user with greater permissions.
Groups are collections of users with similar permissions for the Symphony Server and Symphony Client.
A security profile is a collection of permissions that you can apply across all users and groups. Security profiles make it easy to switch the permissions for users and groups in the Symphony Server.
The Logins page displays active and historical sessions for the Symphony Server.
The Active Directory Integration security mode uses Active Directory to authenticate users.
The Symphony security authentication mode authenticates usernames and passwords that you create for users in the server configuration interface.
Symphony uses watermarking to detect tampered video and audio. Watermarking works in the Symphony Client, Symphony Player, and Symphony Web Client.
Symphony can generate alarms from rules. Rules include events, action sets, and schedules.
License settings in Symphony allow you to view and refresh licenses.
Settings in Symphony allow you to configure servers, general settings, email notifications, health monitoring, Enterprise Manager, updates, and backup and restore.
Symphony video analytics provide real-time alerts, smart video search, and reporting.
The Symphony Client includes functionality to monitor cameras, manage video, generate reports, and configure alarms.
The Symphony Web Client includes functionality to monitor cameras, manage video, generate reports, and configure alarms.
The Symphony Player is an application that can view video files created in the Symphony Client.
Copyright © 2020 Senstar Corporation and/or its Licensor(s). All rights reserved.