Deleting Personnel Record

Personnel records can be deleted one at a time or in bulk.

A.  Deleting a single record

    1. Open Personnel Manager and unlock the module
    2. Select the record you wish to delete in the Personnel List
    3. Click the trash bin icon located in the Command Toolbar
    4. Then click Yes to confimr deletion

B. Deleting multiple records at one time

    1. Open Personnel Manager and unlock the module
    2. Create a filtered view of the Personnel List (Click here to learn how to create a filtered view of Personnel records)
    3. Click on the Group Edit  icon/button located in the Command Toolbar
    4. Warning: this next Step 5 will delete ALL records in the Personnel List that is currently displayed. Deleted records cannot be recovered unless from a database backup. Make sure you are viewing a Filtered list of Records represented by the Orange bar.
    5. In the Group Edit window, go to the Group Delete tab and click on the Group Delete button

    1. In the Delete window, click Yes to confirm deletion.

Symphony AC Operator Guide