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Adding Controllers in Hardware Manager

Adding Controllers using Auto-Scan

Controllers may be added to the Access Control Security software using the Auto-Scan feature.  This feature searches the LAN (Local Area Network) and locates any controllers that match the driver type installed.  For example, if a Aero driver or VertX driver has been installed, the Auto-Scan process will only search for the respective controller belonging to the driver's family.  For Onity however, the Auto-Scan will return ALL DigiBoard network devices on the subnet and it will be up to the operator to determine which of those from the list is an actual WAP controller. Once the controller has been found, the operator can choose to add one (1) or more controllers at a time.  When the controller is added, the software will automatically add the associated hardware points and default industry standard configuration.  This allows the operator to bring the hardware online quickly; the operator can then go back and fine tune the configuration at a later time if necessary. Note:  Up to 32 sub-controllers can be added to any one controller for Aero, Onity and VertX.  The Aero X1100 controllers can have a total of 31 sub-controllers added.  The Aero X1100 controller has an on-board sub-controller in which consumes one of the 32 addresses.  The on-board sub-controller will be virtually addressed with address 0.

  • From the Hardware Manager click on the pad lock to unlock the Hardware module.
  • Highlight the driver from the hardware tree located in the left hand column.
  • Right mouse click on the driver and select Edit, Add Controller.
  • Click on the Auto-Setup button to perform an Auto-Scan of the Controller.  If the device is located on a WAN (Wide Area Network), Auto-Setup will be unable to locate the device and the device must be added manually.
  • The controller(s) found will be listed by network IP address as well as the MAC address assigned to the device.  To select one or more controller(s) click in the check box to the left of the controller(s) to be added to the system.
  • The controller(s) can be added to a Region from the Auto-Setup page by selecting a Region from the drop down pick list to the right of the Region tag.  Please Note:  If the operator signed into the Access Control Security Application has not been assigned access to the Region the controller(s) have been added to they will be unable to see / configure the controller(s).
  • Click the green check mark to save the selection.
  • The controller(s) will appear in the hardware tree located in the column on the left under the Access Control Driver.

Adding Controllers Using Manual Setup

  • From Hardware Manager unlock the pad lock to allow editing of the screen.
  • Highlight the Access Control Driver from the Hardware Tree.
  • Right mouse-click on the Access Control Driver and select Edit, Add Controller.
  • Click on the Manual Setup tab.
  • Driver.Controller Address:  This value represents which driver to associate the controller.  The Driver.Controller Address will automatically be populated based on the driver selected.
  • Controller Type:  Click on the drop down arrow to the right of the Controller Type tag and selected the desired controller type from the pick list provided.  For example:  Aero X1100 Controller.
  • Controller Address:  This value is automatically assigned using the next available virtual address.
  • Controller Description:  Enter a description for the controller; this description will represent the controller through out the software.
  • Controller Group:  If controller groups will be utilized, click on the drop down arrow to the right of the Controller Group tag and select a controller group. For information regarding programming Controller Groups please see help section Controller Groups.


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Symphony AC Operator Guide