Article Type:
How To
Product Version:
Symphony Server
Device Brands:
28-Feb-2018 3:06:04 PM
Last Updated:
Prevent Symphony 7.0.11 from deleting Symphony 6 footage files on upgrade
In some cases, upgrading to Symphony 7.0.11 deletes Symphony 6 footage files. The procedure below protects the majority of Symphony 6 footage files, but might delete the oldest two days of Symphony 6 footage files. - For each volume, determine the date of the oldest Symphony 6 footage file.
- In a command prompt, type dir filepath\*.dat /od /p, where filepath is the filepage of the video footage volume.
- Record the date of the oldest file in each volume.
- Of the recorded dates, use the most recent date.
- Determine the age (in days) of the oldest Symphony 6 footage file.
- Open Microsoft Excel.
- In a cell, type =ROUNDDOWN(NOW()-DATE(YYYY,MM,DD)-2,0), where YYYY, MM ,and DD is the date from Task 1.
- Limit the number of days that Symphony stores video footage.
- In the Server configuration interface, click Settings > Servers.
- Double-click a server.
- In the Video Storage section, select the Limit the number of days video is stored box.
- In the Days (maximum) field, type the value from Task 2.
- Click Save.
- Repeat for ever server in your farm.
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